Creating a new account
If you want to join and help A4TW, just create your account by using this link below
(this will help us grow faster on the platform.)
On the D.Tube site, click on the login button.

On the login page, click Sign Up on

On the signup page click Start

So the signup process is pretty easy, just give some basic info like birth date and E-Mail address.

Mow you just need to confirm an E-Mail link to be able to use the site. (Alternatively you can add your Facebook account and phone verification for extra DTC and VP to begin with)
At the end of the signup process you get an option to copy a security master key or safe a file with the master key, DO NOT LOSE THIS CODE, that key is the only way for you to sign-in on the site.
Dtube staff has no involvement with accounts, so backup that key somewhere!
Once all that is done you can now login with your new user name and the password is the security key you got earlier.
After all that is done, you will be redirected to the name creation page, here you will type the name you want to use on the site and as a login name.
If you want to change your name later on and or chose a shorter name, you will find more info on this page here.
Now before you start interacting with the site you should check the settings!

In the setting page you might want to enable night mode (easier on the eyes), and secondly bring that Avalon default vote to a 5 or 1% (this is to prevent you from loosing most your VP if you accidentally vote or comment on something), this setting is always present when you are going to vote/upload.
This is also where you can change the site's display language.
Also you might want to show "negative" videos, (these are all down-voted videos on the site), as for NSFW videos you might want to keep these hidden, they consist mostly of porn and gore.
Ignore the Steem and Hive options, these only count if you integrate a Steem and or Hive accounts into your D.Tube account. (More about this later!)

After you set the settings to your liking lets check out your channel's page, you can go there by clicking in My Channel on the side panel.

Once on the channel page click on the ABOUT tab.

In the ABOUT tab you can
Edit your about information, add a avatar, cover image (must be a image-url), add a location and website to display to everyone visiting you about tab.
See how much VP and bandwidth you have.

VP attribution, you get 1 VP per DTC in 1 hour.
Ex, if you have 10 DTC then in 1 day you will accumulate a total of 240 VP.
(10DTC x 24hours) = 240 VP
Bandwidth attribution, you get 10 bytes per DTC in 1 hour.
Ex, if you have 10 DTC then in 1 day you will accumulate a total of 2400 bytes
((10DTC x 10bytes per hour) = 100 x 24hours) = 2400 bytes