Welcome to the Anime4TheWorld website
Before you interact on the site, take a moment to read, memorize and follow these rules.
Free Speech
The A4TW Forums and any other online public space made available by A4TW is there to educate and share information around the subject of AMV's and the vast amounts of subtopics surrounding it.
And so A4TW's top priority is to give all members a platform to share any knowledge / information and the freedom to update, discuss, debate and debunk that same knowledge and information.
(Just ask an admin if you are not sure)
Keep political opinions to yourself
Keep your political opinions to yourself.
The discussion of Politics and ANY political speech (left, right, center, extremes) is not tolerated on the site.
(There are sites designated for this, go there)
Be Kind and Courteous
We're all in this together as a community we must create a welcoming environment for everyone.
Let's treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.
Be constructive when giving criticism, and try to understand that not everyone has the same viewpoints as you have when receiving criticism
(If you can't have this level of mutual respect, then you are now welcome here)
No Hate Speech or Bullying
Bullying of any kind isn't allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated.
(It just makes you look like a fool, so don't bother)
No Spam
Give as much as you take. Spam and irrelevant links aren't allowed.
We do have a Self-Promo category in the Forum for any video, music, image editors/creators where you can share YOUR ART and NOT SOMEBODY ELSE'S ART
If you go against these rules expect consequences
(things can be added later on so check regularly before posting)
Failing to comply will get you kick by any Curator Moderator and or Overseer
If you don't agree to these rules please leave this site immediately!