Deposit and withdraw
If you want to deposit/withdraw DTUBE coin aka DTC from your Dtube channel, you will need a web 3.0 cryptocurrency wallet application.
Dtube recommends MetaMask browser integration, you can download the browser integration for Chrome, Firefox, Brave, Edge and or the Android version for mobile.

Overview MetaMax
MetaMask is a software cryptocurrency wallet used to interact with the Ethereum blockchain, It allows users to access their Ethereum wallet through a browser extension or mobile app, which can then be used to interact with decentralized applications.
This also means all kinds of Ethereum fungible (ERC20) tokens and non-fungible (ERC721) tokens as well as any coins or tokens on any Ethereum sidechain.

An Ethereum Wallet in your Browser
MetaMask is an extension for accessing Ethereum enabled distributed applications, or "Dapps" in your browser!
The extension injects the Ethereum web3 API into every website's javascript context, so that dapps can read from the blockchain.
MetaMask also lets the user create and manage their own identities (via private keys, local client wallet and hardware wallets like Trezor™), so when a Dapp wants to perform a transaction and write to the blockchain, the user gets a secure interface to review the transaction, before approving or rejecting it.
Because it adds functionality to the normal browser context, MetaMask requires the permission to read and write to any webpage. You can always "view the source" of MetaMask the way you do any Chrome extension, or view the source code on Github:
More info here.
Buy, Sell and Swap
How to buy or sell Dtube coins?
As of now only 2 big exchanges have Dtube coins, Uniswap and Pancakeswap.
For Uniswap you need the ERC20 version of the Dtube coin, and for Pancakeswap the BEP20 version of the Dtube coin on the Binance smart chain.
On Uniswap
Uniswap is a decentralized exchange in the form of two smart contracts hosted on the Ethereum Blockchain.
Uniswap is a 100 percent on chain maker that allows people to swap ERC20 tokens as well as ETH to an ERC20 or the other way around.
Step 1:
Create/Register for a new Ethereum wallet address, since MetaMask is the most compatible and widely used one, Dtube recommends using it.
Go to and select between Android or the iOS applications for mobile or you can select the Chrome extension for desktop this will also be compatible for the Brave browser.

Step 2:
Go to your channel by clicking on your profile then click on the Connect metamask button to connect your Metamask.
You need to give permission to Dtube to be able to interact with your wallet.

After you connect Metamask you will be able to exchange (swap) Dtube to Dtube(ETH).
You can use the reverse button to make it Dtube(ETH) to Dtube and after you do this swap you should get your coins in few minutes.

Step 3:
Go to and you will see the Connect Wallet button, you will need to give it a signature permission to access the wallet.
After you give the permission you will be able to use Uniswap without any issues.

🛠 TO DO 👇
Step 4:
Now that you are connected to Uniswap you will be able to start swapping tokens and Ethereum.
In order to do this you need to click Select a token and see all the officially listed tokens on Uniswap, however for DTUBE (DTC) or any other new token not in the list, you will need to add the correct contract address of the token.

Dtube Coin(ERC-20) contract Address: 0xd2be3722b17b616c51ed9b8944a227d1ce579c24

Step 5:
After you successfully import the Dtube Coin on Uniswap you will be able to swap it to Ethereum or swap your ethereum to Dtube coin.
You can see the corresponding price, fees and all the other details in the swap window.

Step 6:
Once you check the details you are ready to Confirm the swap.

Step 7:
You will receive a notification on Metamask to confirm this transaction and you will see amount of Gas you need to use and fee you need to pay after you confirm the transaction you will receive your tokens in few minutes if you used the correct gas amount you can check the gas you need to use from here.

Transfering Wrapped Dtube Coin to Avalon
After you bought Wrapped Dtube coin from Uniswap all you have to do is go to your channel click Connect metamask and follow the process on Dtube(ERC-20) to Dtube Coin. You will receive confirmation notification on metamask and you should receive your coins into your Avalon account in couple of minutes.

Providing Liquidity, Liquidity Pool
Liquidity pools basically are, the pools of tokens that sit in smart contracts, and if there is enough tokens for you to be able to exchange any of them with one-another using Ethereum as a conduit.
Therefore you need to provide equal amount of to each side of the pool.
You can't provide liquidity to one side if you are pooling 1000 Dtube coin you need to pool equivalent amount of ETH to the pool and get 0.3 percentage from transaction fees according to your share in the pool.
Step: 1:
Click pool and Add Liquidity

Step 2:
Choose the token and pool you want to provide liquidity for.

After you click supply the process will send a confirmation to your metamask and it should be all fine.

You can manage your provided liquidity by clicking pools you can add or remove liquidity.